Wednesday, December 30, 2009


As you know, my baby turns 2 on Saturday.  I've been busy making his scrapbook page/card.  See, I discovered a long time ago that boys don't care about cards in any way, shape or form!  So, I make a scrapbook page in the theme of their birthday, leave space to put a couple of photos, and then we all sign the page like we would a card.  That way, I am one up on the scrapbooking thing, and I don't feel badly that I spent time making a card they did not read!

Noah is very into dinosaurs - especially T-Rex!  I put "Have a T-rexic Birthday" on it - get it ----- terrific birthday.  Corny, I know, but just go with it!

I also decided to send more birthday cards this year.  I've been making a few here and there and got a couple mailed out already for those New Year's birthdays!  Here are a few I made:


  1. Your cards are so sweet (I loved mine)and good idea about the scrapbook page!

  2. Yes, this is a wonderful idea instead of a card. My boys are the same way. I don't scrapbook but my niece does and I will suggest this terrific idea. Love your birthday cards too! You do beautiful work!!

  3. Love the cards. That scrapbook page is a great idea.
