Monday, April 5, 2010


Today is my son, Tanner's 16th birthday.  I cannot believe 16 years have gone by so quickly.  Images of Tanner through the years flash in my mind like a slide show.  It is no secret how much I love my boys and how proud I am of all of them.  But today is Tanner's day, so I will dedicate this post to him.

Here he is at 9 weeks old - in a baseball outfit.  Such a sweet baby! Tanner has always loved baseball.  We are so proud that he will be starting on the varsity team this year as 1st baseman and pitcher.  It is so bittersweet for me because I know his dad would be so filled with pride for the young man that Tanner has become.

Tomorrow Tanner and I will travel to Steven's Point for his driver's test.  If all goes well, he will be a licensed driver by 11 a.m.

Oh how I love this son of mine.
Now please excuse me while I go have a good cry and thank God for giving me this child to raise.


  1. Happy Birthday Tanner!
    Hugs from PA,
    : )

  2. Oh, I can't believe it!

    Sniff, sniff

    Happy birthday, Tanner.☺

  3. Sniff, sniff here too. What an amazing young man you have, Rhonda!! Cheers to many more birthdays to come!
