Friday, November 6, 2009


This is going to be one of those posts that may be boring to some (sorry, Mom).  It is the time of year that I tend to reflect back over my life.  The holidays just do that to people, I think.   I'm just going to share some of my thoughts with you - not that I claim to be an expert or anything, but I do think about these things a lot, so it seems to fly out of my brain and into my fingers as I type, fairly easily.

I want to share 3 photos with you.  The first was taken my first year in Wisconsin - 2005.  I was newly married, 2 months pregnant, and trying to help the boys adjust to our new life.

Wow-my boys look so young, especially Tanner.  He's still got a baby look about him.  Gotta love those pre-puberty years!   Now, here is our family photo from last year:

The older ones have not changed all that much, and Levi is taller, but at this point, my Noah was not even walking yet!  He had not even lived an entire year.  I was still nursing him!  Kinda makes my heart ache!  Those innocent, little faces!!  

Look at the difference in my family in just 3 short years!  What experiences we've all been through those 3 years.   

Now, here is a picture taken last month in a disastrous attempt at a family portrait.  Sweet little innocent Noah is almost 2 and he was showing it the day we attempted this:
Funny, it looks like I'm giving birth out of my head and enjoying it!

Why am I sharing this?   Well, if you have children, you know how quickly they grow up.  Time sits still for no one.  Not a single one of us know what may happen in the following year!  Believe me on this - Wisconsin is the last place I thought I would end up!  Having more children?  Not a chance, I thought!  It just goes to show that we have to make the most of each and every day.  Never take things for granted, and always let our loved ones know we care for them.  Is this easy to do?  No, which is why it is probably always on my mind.  Even with losing a husband and vowing to never take anyone for granted ever again, I find myself doing the exact same thing only 6 short years later!  Why is that?  What about our humanness causes these things?

I hope I typed something here that will help you and make you better appreciate your loved ones.   I promise next week, I'll have some crafts made or something to share more than my musings!  That is if I don't get the stomach bug that Dan just got over!  Yuck.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  James 4:14  "What is your life?  It is a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."


  1. You know, I just realized I have the same hairstyle in all 3 pictures. I am so not fashionable!

  2. Hey,why do you say Sorry Mom? If it was someone I did not know I would say---- BORING!!! but being it is concerning, my grandkids,,,, well, do I have to say anymore..... they are the
    BEST EST!!!!Oh!! sorry, my kids, too.....are also: A-OK...;~)

  3. Oh My!!! I am so much laughing!! since you pointed that out about Noah .... and Mr. Billy Goat back behind there....what a funny memory,this will be....

  4. why is it?? that being you are in Wisconsin, We see more articles, more license plates, and even a lady walking up by the house with a sweatshirt on that said.. you guess it........WISCONSIN...
    and before that I never thought about that state.....(oh humdrum.)

  5. Oh my-time just keeps on goin' on faster and faster the older we get, it seems.

    Oh, the transformation of the kids-it's ridiculous how quickly they change!

    And well you, Rhonda-you look younger every year!

  6. Hey, this may work! I love reading your blog. I was very reflective when I was waiting a biopsy result and thought then that I would never ever take things or people for granted again. It gave me well, PERSPECTIVE. And I try to be reflective too but life is busy and at times I forget and go about with blinders on and forget what truly matters. Then there are people like Holly that help you remember who and what is truly important-loving others and making others happy. That's what it's all about!! Your are so right how things may change quickly and unexpectedly and not always the way we want, but God is good. As I look at your pictures progressively they are amazing. My heart ached so much when Kevin passed away and I look at your pictures and see how He has led you down an awesome path and has blessed you with three wonderful people since then. We never know what the future holds but we do know who holds our futures.

  7. Awwww, Dawnie-you're sweet.

    Rhonda-I love the way you weren't afraid (well-you probably were a little)to move on with your life and as Dawnie said-now you are blessed with 3 more wonderful people to love!

    Yes-you did type something to help me better appreciate my loved ones.

    I still think of Kevin often and miss him!


    PS-Sure hope you can avoid the stomach bug! Yuck is right.
