Monday, November 30, 2009


Birthdays are fun - when you're under 30.   Receiving presents - that's always fun, even when you're 42.  Ugh - I'm 42.  I used to think that was really old. Now I think - that's not so bad. . . . better than being dead!   

I enjoy making a big deal out of birthdays.  I hang up a banner for the birthday boy (all males in this house), I make a special cake for them, and make their favorite meal.    My guys did a great job of making my day special - even though they did not hang up a banner, make me a meal or a cake. . . . they are guys, after all :-).  Dan took me out to Applebee's the night before my birthday and Tanner watched the boys for us.  I also got some nice gifts:
From Dan - a couple of photography books and a cricut cartridge

I bought these myself on Black Friday -good deal!  I got two because I was going to give one to my mom for Christmas, then she went and got one herself, so I was going to return it.  Then my mom sent me some money for my birthday and I figured, I would just keep the extra cartridge :-)  Thanks, mom.

From Ty and Emily a Yankee Candle - lilac scent.  It smells like my grandma's yard and I love it!

From Tanner:  2 packages of scrapbooking paper, which I am always needing!

I also got a gift card to Christopher and Banks from Kevin's mom and a wreath from Dan's mom.

Thanks, everyone for the gifts, the cards and the birthday wishes.

Here is the card my mom made for me - me in the tub.  Oh that is a fantasy of mine - being in the tub w/o children screaming at the door asking for drinks or snacks. . . . Cute card, mom.

Aren't birthdays fun?

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  You're only as old as you feel.


  1. That card is adorable! Sounds like you had a great birthday.☺

    I'm still only 41.

  2. Glad you had an awesome birthday, Rhonda. That Holly is still rubbing it in that she is younger. It won't be long!!
