Friday, June 18, 2010


I have been very busy the last few weeks helping with our VBS planning and decorating.  Our group of ladies does nothing 1/2 way.  I took a few pictures of some of the decorations.  Our theme is "Rise and Shine for Jesus" with a farm decor.  I'm not sure how this ties in with our Bible lessons, but it will get the kids excited, and hey, we are in the middle of dairy land.

This is the front of our auditorium.  There will be singing and puppet action here before the kids are lead to classes.

This is the kitchen area:  Chuckwagon:

This is the dining area where the food will be served:
This is near the entrance of the building.  A pig trough complete with corn and hogs.

This is my classroom.  I am teaching about Dorcas, who sewed clothing for the widows and poor.

This is another classroom.  The temptations of Jesus is the lesson here.  

This is my absolute favorite thing - a small Bible village.  My friend, Kim, is too talented for her own good!  She placed this in the baptistery and the kids will be able to look down on it.  The Bible houses are made from packing material and I love those little cotton ball sheep!

This is the Ananias and Sapphira classroom.  Cool decorations, I just can't lie about that!  (Get it?  Ananias and Sapphira - lie. . . well, if you don't get it, read Acts 5).

This is the Abraham and Lot classroom.  My sister in law probably did more of the brainstorming and actual work for these decorations.  She, too, is way too talented for her own good.

This is the puppet theater my dear hub built.  Michelle, my friend and very good seamstress is working on the curtain.


  1. Cool!!! oink! oink! you must get a pic. of the boys by the pigs,,,(Ty by the cow)he-he---- A+..:~)

  2. Paw Paw said, put my little buddy's, at the trough, then that would really be little pigs at the trough,!
    Ty with the cows, and Tanner well, he is to busy at the bank..!!!!!Paw Paw...

  3. Wow you guys did a spectacular job decorating. And that puppet theater is amazing!:)

  4. Rhonda you are too kind about my little village...but it was fun making it. All the decorations were so wonderful...too bad we had to take them down so year we will have to get them up earlier so we can enjoy them longer! It was a great day! But I am SOOOO glad it is done!


  5. It looks awesome! Kudos to all you hardworking ladies (and men) who made it happen.
    : )
