Saturday, February 6, 2010


What a fun day in the snow - even if the hill was not that big!  Hills are a rare commodity in central Wisconsin, but when you're only 3 and 2 years old, you don't need a big hill to have fun.
Wheeeeeeee. . . . .

Noah needed some help getting back up the hill after awhile - 
2 year olds have a lot of energy, but they do wear out eventually.

He told me he saw a shark in the stump.
"I don't think that's possible, Noah."

Levi can have fun doing just about anything.

I just thought this was interesting. . . 
Well, I hope all my loved ones back east are digging out of the white stuff  . . . . . . and I am SO VERY HAPPY that we did not get any of the snow!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Winter.


  1. They are so sweet!

    I see joy on all of their faces, Dan's included:)

  2. Thanks for all the great pictures :-)

  3. They are so happy in the snow!!! I love kids in snow pictures!! Actually I have several prints by an artist depicting kids in snow with dogs. I love his paintings and have 3 hanging in my kitchen!! Very sweet pix. Thanks for sharing.
