Thursday, December 24, 2009


As you all know, I'm no fan of the white stuff.  It's okay on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - hey, I'll even tolerate it until New Year's Day, but after that, I want green grass and warm sunshine.  Oh well, it's all wishful thinking when you live in Wisconsin - or even Pennsylvania!   

I had the opportunity to take some pictures for my friend, Michelle yesterday.  She asked me to take some of her girls in the snow for the grandparents.  I'm not real experienced photographing yet, and the snow does create some additional problems, but I'm all for a challenge.   I think they turned out pretty cute, and I hope she is happy with them too.  Thought I'd share a couple with you and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.  May 2010 be a wonderful year for everyone.   

This one totally cracks me up - we were trying to get their dog, Trigger in the pic, but he's just a pup and was too excited to play in the snow.  It looks like he's a little wild and crazy here.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Family and friends become more precious with the passing years. 


  1. They turned out beautfully! I like the last one. The flinging of the snow made it perfect!

  2. Thanks-yeah, it was funny trying to get a shot of that dog.

  3. These are Adorable. I love snow pictures!!! They turned out great, Rhonda. All your food and drinks look YUMMY!!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year!!
